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News from construction site in Omsk

Today, laying of the time capsule solemn ceremony took place at the Arena Omsk project site with the participation of the Russian Federation Sports Minister Oleg Matytsin, Omsk region Governor Alexander Burkov and Gazprom Neft chairman of the board Alexander Dyukov.

Our colleagues Spectrum Group’s managing director Sergei Frolov, head of the project Alexander Mutovkin and project manager Eugeniy Ryzbov also attended. Let us recall that Spectrum serves as Technical Customer and Construction Manager within the framework of this project.    

Phase one of the build is currently ongoing. New six-floor arena will accommodate 12,000 people. Building will be installed with a 2,000 sq. meters multimedia facade. Auditorium will be design to NHL standards.  

Arena Omsk construction is processing on the basis of concession agreement between Gazpromneft, Federal and Omsk region government. New arena will be one of the venues of World Junior Ice Hockey Championship, which will take place in December 2022 – January 2023. 

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